Friday 5 December 2014

Biggest Challenge in my life

Dear blog,

Today 5/12/14 Friday – i'm writing this bcoz of the problem that I'm facing right now..this week I’ve been through a biggest challenge in my life, and I keep patient until now…to keep it cool..bcoz I don’t want to go crazy cause of little stupid things..
Last friend just fuck my life up..i thought he going to understand on my situation. But he put more stress on me..i just don’t want to get sympathize from anybody..i just want to keep my problem n solve it by myself but..when he pressed force me to tell everything to make him crystal on my situation..and now..he is going to kick me out slowly..i know what is his intention clearly..and what he is going to do to me…so, i already had a backup plan for that..and i'm ready for anything happen onwards..

The story begins, this problem start on my convocation day..the convocation goes well until I lost my wallet..before I came to DATC for convocation..i bring my bag pack..that i'm usually use…in that bag contain ‘working vest’ ‘bow tie’ ‘locker key’ (coz I work as waiter at soleil hotel) ‘expensive Arabic perfume’ (given by someone special) and ofcoz my wallet contain ‘ID card’ ‘bank cards’ ‘amount of money’ (i doesn’t really care bout it..coz not a large amount of it) ‘rapidKL card’ (important bcoz they give 20% less when u ride rapid bus..hahahahaha).. that bag I put in a convocation’s bag that same to all of the graduates
When we r finished the ceremony..i went out of the hall to get to my family and capture these special moment of my convocation’s bag, I put at my grandma side..then my family, my friends and I took picture together..then when I turn to take that bag..its already gone.. at that time only left azie, fay, mimi, kiera n her fiancĂ© afai n me.. afai n kiera waitin' for me to go back..and same goes to my family..they r waitin' for me to go back home...but me, azie, fay n mimi still searching for that fucking stupid bag until dawn..we go to the university police tent and ask them whether they found anything or someone return anything…but unfortunately they said.. “We received nothing and we don’t found anything or someone belonging” then..after that, we make a report on that case at university police office..but then they said again.. “u must make a genuine police report instead of report here” …then I was thinking “so..i came here just wasting my time for this fcking stupid report”…after that I called my mum.. she said “we already at the highway to go back” (actually they don’t know the way to go back..but they just go and follow the sign board..actually its my responsible to send them and lead their way to go back) I feel so guilty towards my family.. at that time azie keep asking me “why u don’t crying?..if i'm in your shoe right now..I'm already crying, bcoz my stuffs gone missing..but u can still laughing” and I said “I don’t know..maybe the things already happened..however I crying until blood tears, I just can’t get my things back” after that afai n kiera send us home..

So next day..i make a lodge report about that case get the official report..and next day I went to national registration department to make my ID..but unfortunately they said I need to pay 300myr for 3rd time of missing id..bcoz this is my 3rd time of missing id(hehehe) I decide to cash my wages cheque 1st then I can pay for id processing and after that I can make all my bank cards…but yesterday the bank called me and they said “mr khairul, we want to reconfirm ur name on this cheque and ur name on id card is that correct?..bcoz we found that ur name on cheque not same with ur id card..u can take ur return cheque by tomorrow then ask ur company to reissued ur cheque back”…my head keep saying “adoiiii…ape lgi ni”…on that night (means last night) my friend msg me said that “I don’t want to pick a fight with anyone but each of us have our own commitment hope u can settle down ur house rental a.s.a.p..u should have a sympathize to our housemate”(more or less of his msg but the meant still there)…and I immediately tell him everything..including how much is my wages and how much debt that I need to pay…bcoz I know it’s my responsibilities to pay rent in early of the month..before this, I pay rental without delay or hold for 2 or 3 days…but now I need to hold that payment bcoz something bad happened to me that u need to understand my situation..the situation is my cheque cannot convert to cash yet due to 'wrong name spell' be patient la..

And now he is going to kick me out slowly bcoz I tell him everything that hppend to me that is my wages only 400myr ++..i need to make my ID 250myr(on above I said 300myr right?..bcoz I’m begging to the national registration dept to decrease the price so they cut 50myr).. then I need to pay rental 120myr(they ask for 220myr..but one of my housemate have debt 100myr that she borrowed from me so I give her 120myr + her debt 100myr = 220myr)..then I need to pay afai debt 50myr n korent debt will be negative from my wages..that I need to borrow from someone to pay the all those debt..

So today one of my housemate said that I need to move to the other room..bcoz my another housemate wanna stay with my friend in 1 room….so I ‘get it’ now…in my rental house there were 5 of us..3 rooms..
So feel a bit aggrieved with his attitude..its ok..i’ll make a backup plan for that..bcoz same goes to me…I don't wanna pick a fight with anyone..if I can avoid it….i'll avoid it..thats all…

P/S : sorry for bad grammar, bad words and harsh words..

Your Sincerely :

Wednesday 27 August 2014

job hunting

kesahnya berkenaan susahnya mncari kerja dan berhidup di KL neh..

FYI ak da bnyak kali dtg KL tpi dtg sesaje je la..dtg umah mmber ak fahmie..bgini critanya..lpas ak dpat tawaran smbung stdy kt uitm...ak tolak tawaran tuh sbb ak ade msalah kate PTPTN kan adooo..ak xnk berat kpla pkir psal hutang lpas blaja..ak da describe sprti dlm entry ak yg lepas..

so..mmber ak plan nk dtg KL bt bisness nsi kitorg pn dtg la..beli bahan2 bgai with fahmie's mom help and fairuz si fiance kiera..diorg bnyak kluarkan modal utk kitorg beniaga..tapi bila da smpai KL..kitorg bukak 2 hari..kitorg rsa tmpat x strategic so fairuz show us some place...agak strategic jugak la..then esoknya..ntah mcm mna kitorg xmeniaga...dlm msa yg sma..sbb ak sbgai pnolong mse menjual..ak xde kje sngt ak pn cri la kje kt KL festival..ak isi bnyak borang kje..kt MBO kt Superstarkaraoke n kdai2 bju...diorg ckp they will call after 2 days...tpi hampeh..smuanya senyap..

pada msa pertukaran tmpat benaga tuh...ak cri krja lgi..then dpat la kje as telemarketer kt stapak dgn kiera skali kitorg pon peg la kje..but unfortunately kt company tuh xde basic just base on sales jer..without EPF SOCSO and all those stuff they didnt provide...ak pn ckap kt kiera nk benti kje immediately.. keesokan hri nya kitorg xpeg kje then kitorg peg cri kt BB plak...isi la job form Al-ikhsan...almost 2 weeks da kitorg kt KL..

ak da naek pening da kpla nk pkir kna byar umah swa neh lgi..duit plak xckup..pening2~

latest job form yg kitorg isi kt al ikhsan tu lah..then skrang ni pown..ak bru abes cri kt internet..esk ak smbung cri lgi pkai conventional method la...walk in...

so doa2kan lah ak dpat kje...amin~

Friday 15 August 2014

Lagi koleksi printscreen soalan bernas untuk Ustaz Azhar Idrus

lagi koleksi printscreen yg ak compile kan utk tatapan da kudapan utuk korang 

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jikalau korang sume ade kekeliruan dalam bab agama atau ada masalah atau jugak ingin bertanya kpda beliau...bleh lah terus ke official page beliau..atau korang bleh klik saje kt link ini Ustaz Azhar Idrus Official Facebook Page 

bersama-samalah kita menjadi muslim dan mukmin yang betaqwa~

Tag :
<br> ustaz azhar idrus
<br> soalan cepu emas
<br> soalan kelakar ustaz azhar idrus
<br> soalan bernas ustaz azahar idrus
<br> koleksi soalan ustaz azhar idrus
<br> koleksi soalan lawak ustaz azhar idrus

Thursday 14 August 2014

Koleksi Soalan 'rare' dan Kelakar Ustaz Azhar Idrus

ini dia Penceramah Agama terkenal..sape tak kenal USTAZ AZHAR IDRUS yang lebih dekenali sebagai UAI...

dan dibawah adalah koleksi printscreen soalan-soalan bernas yg dilemparkan kpda UAI

mungkin daripda koleksi soalan ini tidak dijawab oleh UAI sendri tetapi oleh kuncu2 UAI

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ak adelah seorang peminat UAI...jika korang sume nk lgi koleksi2 soalan mcm ni..sile tinggal kan komen dibawah...klo ade smbutan..ak akn teruskan mencari soalan2 yang 'rare' dan bernas sperti soalan2 diatas...

jika korang sume ade kekeliruan dalam bab agama atau ada masalah atau jugak ingin bertanya kpda beliau...bleh lah terus ke official page beliau..atau korang bleh klik saje kt link ini Ustaz Azhar Idrus Official Facebook Page 

bersama-samalah kita menjadi muslim dan mukmin yang betaqwa~

Tag :
<br> ustaz azhar idrus
<br> soalan cepu emas
<br> soalan kelakar ustaz azhar idrus
<br> soalan bernas ustaz azahar idrus
<br> koleksi soalan ustaz azhar idrus
<br> koleksi soalan lawak ustaz azhar idrus

Wednesday 13 August 2014


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hri ni result penrapan da upu kluar.. so kpada sesiape yang mohon Uitm nah pautan untuk semak keputusan ...

gmbr kt atas mnunjukkan bhwa ak tlah ditawarkan melanjutkan pngajian sarjana muda (kepujian) teknologi textile...spatutnya ak heppi right? but unfortunately ak xnk trima tawaran ni...sbb mungkin ak rsa ak kna kja dlu..

dilema ak ade lah..ak ptut grab this chance actually sbb ak kna jdi mcm spupu2 ak atau lebih dri diorg...spupu2 ak da ade dgree and da ade mster pown..yg srg tuh da jadi xkan ak nk blaja smpai diploma jer...

itu stu hal..stu lgi..klo ak abes dgree..pecah tradisi kluarga ak la..sbb family ak..akak ak sorg tuh dia stop blaja smpai diploma jer...klo ak smbung kira pecah tradisi gak la..

tapi kos ni bgi ak tua slalu ckap "kalau da jodoh tak kemana, tapi kalau da bodoh pun tak kemana jugak"...ak dilema dgn org2 tua nih...hahahhaha...btw ak rsa xsmbung kot mungkin dlm ak kje nnti ak bleh bt PJJ ke hape ke..

bt msa lack of money...klo bleh xnk da la bt pinjaman sbb pinjaman dip pown da 15K...nk tmbah lgi...cntoh klo ak bt dgree pinjaman around 25K...nnti grad utang ak berjumlah 40K...ak hnya dpat 2keping sijil...dgree and dip...xkeje lgi tuh tpi utang da 40K...klo ak kje la dgn dgree..gji basic letak la 2K..hutang pinjaman 200...EPF SOCSO n KSWP tolak la 300..ak rsa nk pkai kete...tolak lgi 300..ak nk berumah lgi...tolak lgi 500...bil letrik n air letak 200...minyk kete letak 200 sbulan (ckup ker)...makan minum 300...entertainmen 200 (xkan xnk beli baju sluar n all those stuff penjagaan diri kan?) rsa ckup ker 200 entertainmen?...ce kira brapa....2.2K kan?....siap negative gaji...simpanan tabung haji?...xkan xnk g haji?...duit nk bgi mak bpak lgi?(sbb ak ank sulung lelaki) so?...ko rase?....

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Welcome to my new Blog

Due to the technical error on i move to this blog, 
sorry guys..that blog give me to much headache to maintaining it..
so WELCOME to brand new look blog btw...sbb ak pn da lame xberblog kan..
so its ok la kan? *hope so*...

U guys just chill sit back and enjoy my new blog n upcoming post